Friday, January 23, 2009

And How Are You Today?

Not much new to report here. Job continues to be easy and the only drawback now is that I may have to get commercial auto insurance since I'm using the car as an independent contractor. I'm sure there's a way around this I just have to find it.

A couple projects for Highmoon Media have reverted back to me so I'm prepping the first for release under Tricky Owlbear. This was the introductory adventure for support of Green Ronin's Medieval Players Manual. Since we're going generic fantasy, I have to remove references to the info from that book. I'm going to keep the setting as medieval England and hope consumers won't mind. This adventure sets up a short story arc of adventures I'd like to pen which has the PCs going after one of history's most prized artifacts.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Day Off

Okay, blogger just ate my lenghty post so fuck it. Linda and I gambled today at Mt Airy. We had fun. If we're not gaming on Sunday, she and I will likely head to Philly Park as they're running a special--for every point the Eagles score they will download $2 slot play into your account. Sounds like fun!

That's all for now. Be cool to each other. Oh, and check out Brad's shiny new blog (link changed on my links list).

Monday, January 05, 2009

DCC Reviews

For you Dungeon Crawl Classics authors (I know you're out there), someone is reading through the entire run and reviewing as they go. Now, I guess you should take these with a grain of salt as they're located at (where d20 is not always lauded) but it might still be interesting perusing:

Thursday, January 01, 2009

2008 in Review... style that is. Go check out their always entertaining take on the previous year. '08 wasn't up to the '07 review but that's OK it's still worth a couple minutes of your surfing time.

Back At It

 Let's jump back in, shall we?  Still driving legal drugs around as my main job but also still plugging away with writing work under Tri...