Sunday, January 24, 2010

Want some free KQ?

Do you know someone who you're sure would love Kobold Quarterly, if only they would take the plunge and pick up an issue? Now we have a special offer that you can send them. From now through January 31, they can go to the KQ Store and download a FREE copy of issue #10 by entering the coupon code KQ10Free at checkout.

You remember #10, right? It had an interview with Paizo's Jason Bulmahn, Ed Greenwood's Dwarven Goddess, Ecology of the Hill Giant, a wicked take on Halflings, Secrets of the Halberd, Monte Cook's Game Theories, Rampant Elf Lust. Your friends will totally dig it. And if they become fellow subscribers, you'll be helping to support Kobold Quarterly so that we can continue to bring you great content like the articles in this very issue.

Remember, this special offer ends on January 31! Tell them to head for the KQ Store pronto, and use that code!

Thanks for supporting Kobold Quarterly!
Shelly Baur
Kobold Minion

BtM: Vegepygmy

In case you don't check the Tricky Owlbear blog too often (and I can't blame you really, given the lack of regular updates in the past), Behind the Monsters: Vegepygmy has been released at the usual vendors. Big thanks to Mike Ferguson for providing writing duties on this one. I think people are going to enjoy it.

Today, I'm working on Behind the Spells: Permanency and will hopefully get the specifics nailed down by the end of the day. Lots of ideas for this one but now it needs to be properly molded.

Response for Maxolt's Magical Menagerie #1 has been as good as our other products. Guess there's something to be said for the status quo. I emailed a copy to James M. of the Grognardia blog and hope he might eventually do a review of it to help with some publicity. As of this writing, RPGNow's "Gamers Help Haiti" drive is nearly at $120,000! That's astounding and I cannot say how proud Tricky Owlbear is to be a part of something so powerful and meaningful.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pathfinder Monster Project

I dropped a hint about this secret project a few updates ago and that sparked interest from fellow writer and publisher K. Axel Carlsson of Headless Hydra Games. After some chatting, Tricky Owlbear has decided that this monster project deserves some art and has brought Axel on board (along with a fine stable of artists!) to direct that end of things. This is going to be one special book--over 100 monsters (some classic, some from more recent OGL products) converted for your Pathfinder game! I'm hoping to get this released by June so we'll see what happens. Stefen Styrsky (Open Design, Kobold Quarterly) and Mark Gedak (Grand OGL Wiki) are providing the writing while I'm coordinating the effort and lending some additional design where appropriate.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

MMM #1

The first of Tricky Owlbear's Swords & Wizardry support products is now available! "Maxolt's Magical Menagerie #1" is for sale at OBS and will go live soon at Paizo and YGN. Each pdf in this series will give you 12 magic items complete with description and a commentary by none other than "Behind the Spells" Maxolt (we're keeping this old dragon busy!). This first pdf contains 8 misc. magic items and 4 new types of magical ammunition.

Edit: Now live at Paizo and at YourGamesNow!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Job Change

Today I gave my 2 (now 3) weeks notice. The signs are pointing to a return to the drug store and, unlike some life-motorists, I can read signs. :) I've been assured there's a place for me back in Hamburg so I wasn't at all worried in handing in my notice. The scheduler and head of dispatch were very sorry to see me go (I can't really say the feeling is mutual) and the big dog there also said I could come back anytime if wherever I was going didn't work out. Well, I don't burn my bridges but let's just say that I consider this one a bit rickety to go back and try to cross anytime soon. My last courier day will be Feb 5th. Here's to change!

In writing news, I finished a manuscript handed in by blog-mate Mike Ferguson. He's been tinkering with BtM: Vegypygmy for awhile and finally decided to hand in what he had completed. In truth, all the heavy lifting was already written (the history and Character Advantages sections) so I just polished up the new monster and added a minor artifact in the Related Research section. Here's hoping people enjoy this great addition to the line when it finally releases (this is not the third manuscript Scot has in his possession for layout so he's got his hands full).

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy New Stuff!

If you've followed this blog at all through the years, you know my disdain for the new year's "holiday" so I'll let you read past posts on the subject because I'm not in the mood to rehash it here. :)

My Mac continues to function beyond expectation and I still haven't gotten around to messing with iMovie, Garage Band, or any of the other extras.

My commitment to write more is still holding. I penned a little pdf called 'Maxolt's Magical Menagerie' (issue #1) for old school gaming. This includes 12 new magic items designed for Swords & Wizardry (but usable with any compatible retro-clone of course). Each item has a complete description of its physical appearance and magical abilities, naturally, but also comes with a paragraph from "Behind the Spells" Maxolt which sneaks in some added detail or plot hook. I enjoyed writing this because it did not take hours to tinker with stat blocks and I finished the whole thing in something like 24 hours of off-and-on work. Look for it to be on sale soon for the generous price of $1.00!

I also received a mostly completed manuscript from Mike Ferguson for "Behind the Monsters: Vegypygmy." I added some of the missing details over the last day and it, too, should be ready shortly for layout and sale. Good stuff and I thank Mike for his work on this!

Tricky Owlbear's unannounced monster project for Pathfinder is proceeding apace with two freelancers working tirelessly now that the holiday break is behind us. I'm really looking forward to how this goes over once it's completed. I'll warn you now--there will likely be no artwork. I'm afraid we just cannot afford the expense for 100 monster illustrations.

My own work situation is still unclear. It's been confirmed that the contract for my bank work will no longer be with my company (as of either the end of Jan. or Feb.) but the new company that got the big has not yet made any overtures to the current drivers. There's also been a shakeup at the drug store which seems overly coincidental and I might find myself back there if the driving gig doesn't pan out. The Lord does work in mysterious ways...

Back At It

 Let's jump back in, shall we?  Still driving legal drugs around as my main job but also still plugging away with writing work under Tri...