Monday, July 27, 2009

AMoF art preview

Welcome to the Malbank Outpost...


Unknown said...

Congrats on releasing yet another Tricky Owlbear product!

I just purchased A Matter of Faith, just to check out the competition :)

It looks really good, great interior artist, perfect for a historic setting, I especially like the character portraits in the back of the book.

Bret said...

Thanks, Axel! The adventure turned out to be pretty good-looking, yes. Mark Gedak and I were commenting on how nice your City of Mages looked too after Ed Healy tweeted about just speaking to you.

Unknown said...

Yeah, well, he was far too kind in his tweet :) I'd make a terrible podcaster.

But nice to see that people are noticing the work I/Headless Hydra do.

Can't wait for the Pathfinder RPG, and I guess you feel the same way. Here's to hoping that 4e will die a quick and painfree death :)

Brad said...

Looks good. Very moody and something foreboding about that keep.

Back At It

 Let's jump back in, shall we?  Still driving legal drugs around as my main job but also still plugging away with writing work under Tri...