Tuesday, November 29, 2005

And Yet More Shopping

Today saw Linda and I out in the Allentown/Bethlehem area in our continuing shopping saga. Got my mom finished so now it's down to my brother and his wife and Linda herself. Not too shabby for not even being December yet.

In RPG news, I handed BtS: Animate Dead in to Phil today before I left so it should be out on the market any time. The current trilogy of the series just got new reviews for each on RPGNow yesterday (4 out of 5 stars all). I've also started brainstorming ideas for my group's Xmas adventure to be played next month. We'll be using the PCs whose campaign just ended for some high level holiday excitement. Nothing like exchanging gifts and slaying imaginary beasties to celebrate the season.

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Back At It

 Let's jump back in, shall we?  Still driving legal drugs around as my main job but also still plugging away with writing work under Tri...